My Blog List

Thursday, 2 June 2011

assessment 3

Here we are at the end of session 1. :) :) :). MPI has been very swell and our teacher Matt Barron is also quite swell. The 1st week of MPI we created accounts for gmail, flickr, blogger and delicious.
Flickr is proberly the best one because I use it to post my animation stuff regulary. The most interesting thing I thought was making a HTML cause a lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes there and its not very fun. Interesting though i guess. I did love making a website cause I'd never made one before and it was interesting to see how to do it. Its a fair amount of work ay. It was pretty sick though I got my crazy ideas out to the world and my hit counter is going off like a Justin Biebar youtube video. Ok i exaggerated a little but give it time. It was still cool though. This was all done with the wonderful Iweb app which thanks to mac made my life a whole lot easier. The website templates could turn a lesbian like a shane warne flipper. It allows for awesome website design with cool fonts and that if your a lonely little man and are into that kind of stuff. All in all class has been very entertaining. I especially liked when we watched that sick youtube video about the chick with the tampon lollipops. At least when my mum says to me 'Tom uni isnt just about drinking and having fun, you have to learn stuff!', ill be able to reply with 'dude ive got a freaking website okay? Im almost as big as that guy that made facebook and shit so chill.'
Anyway 'cyer later gay boiis' -That asian from the hangover.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

RSS feeds

We learnt about RSS feeds and how to link them to our blogs and shit. It was an experience..(oh and can I say shit??)

More on HTML

yeah its pretty easy but im getting better at it.might even make another web site and end up like old mate that made facebook.


We did more HTML and CSS in class. CSS makes creating your website easy so thats pretty cool. Its pretty simple so thats sick as aids.


We learnt how to upload our sites into the interweb. FTP loves it.

I web

We learnt how to use Iweb. Its a program that allows you to design your own website. Its got all those templates and that so yeah its pretty sick. Its actually resonably easy to make a website. Look out world wide web. Come at me.